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Creating a Record of XLV Logical Volume Configurations

Information about XLV objects, volumes, subvolumes, plexes, and volume elements, is stored in logical volume labels in the volume header of each disk that contains an XLV object (see the section "Volume Headers" in Chapter 1 for more information). If a logical volume label is removed, the system is unable to assemble the logical volume that includes that logical volume label, although the data in the object described in the logical volume label is still present. You can re-create the logical volume label with xlv_make, but only if you remember the exact configuration of the affected logical volume. The xlv_mgr command can be used to create a script that records the exact configuration of each logical volume on the system. This script can be given to xlv_make as input at a later time if it is ever necessary to re-create any of the XLV logical volumes on the system.

To create a record of the exact configuration of each XLV logical volume on the system, follow this procedure:

  1. Start the script command, which begins capturing text on the screen, and put the captured text in the file /var/config/XLV.configuration:

    # script /var/config/XLV.configuration

    Script started, file is XLV.configuration

  2. Start xlv_mgr:

    # xlv_mgr

  3. Give the script -write command to xlv_mgr with the name of a file that will contain the configuration information, for example /var/config/XLV.configuration:

    xlv_mgr> script -write /var/config/XLV.configuration

  4. Exit xlv_mgr:

    xlv_mgr> quit

  5. Check the contents of the file that contains the configuration:

    # cat /var/config/XLV.confguration


    # Create Volume proj_vol


    vol proj_vol



    ve -force -start 0 /dev/dsk/dks1d3s11 /dev/dsk/dks1d3s12


    ve -force -start 0 /dev/dsk/dks1d6s2 /dev/dsk/dks1d6s3



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